Peace and Conflict Studies Application

Peace Scholarship Overview 2015-17

Peace Scholarship Press Release 2015-17

Peace Scholarship Timeline 2015-17



The following are ineligible for Rotary World Peace Fellowships: Rotarians, Honorary Rotarians Employees of a club, district, or other Rotary entity or of Rotary International Spouses, lineal descendants (child or grandchild by blood or legal adoption), spouses of lineal descendants, or ancestors (parent or grandparent by blood) of any living person in the categories a) or b) above; former Rotarians and their relatives as described above within 36 months of resignation. All others meeting the criteria of level of education and work experience described by The Rotary Foundation are welcome to apply.


The Fellowship application and selection process consists of three levels: local club, local district, and world. Because application deadlines vary by club and district, applicants must contact their local clubs and districts for specific information on deadlines. Club deadlines should be in March also with the Scholarships. (See timetable for Peace and Conflict Scholarships link above.)


Interested applicants can then contact a club in their region within the district. The club will assign a sponsor to each applicant with whose advice they prepare the application, and submit the completed application to a local Rotary club. Contact George Bailey at [email protected], c-404 484 6412.


Individual Rotary clubs conduct initial screening and select Fellowship applications to be forwarded up channel to the district level for competitive interviews. While there is no limit to the number of applications an individual Rotary club may forward, each Rotary district may submit only one candidate to be considered in the world-wide competition. All districts are encouraged to recruit qualified candidates in their area to apply for the Fellowship.


Each Rotary district will submit its candidate’s application to The Rotary Foundation on or before July 1. The world-wide competition selection committee will consist of Trustee-appointed Rotarians and representatives from the University Partners. The Rotary Foundation will inform candidates and districts about final selection decisions in December.





The Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program was established to provide professionals from around the world with the opportunity to be trained in conflict resolution and mediation strategies. The program also can help participants become better equipped to prevent and resolve conflict and to foster policies and create settings that ensure peace worldwide. Offered in English, the program is aimed toward mid- to upper-level professionals in governments, nongovernmental organizations, and private corporations.

The intensive three-month course, which was started in July 20XX, is housed at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. Rotary will accept up to 30 program participants per session for two sessions annually. Each session will include both academic learning and practical fieldwork components. The program aims to:

  • Inspire people to work for a culture of peace and tolerance while enhancing their capacity, knowledge, and skills in this area, in part by generating interaction between practitioners and academics.
  • Offer advanced international educational opportunities to Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program participants chosen from different countries and cultures on the basis of their potential as government, business, education, media, and other professional leaders.
  • Provide a means for The Rotary Foundation and Rotarians to increase their effectiveness in promoting greater tolerance and cooperation among peoples, thereby leading to world understanding and peace.


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