2024-2025 District Governor's Citation & Service Projects Award



Service Projects Awards

DEADLINE: April 14, 2025

The Service Project Awards recognize and honor exceptional service projects conducted by Rotary clubs within District 6910. These awards highlight projects that demonstrate significant impact and excellence in service within four key categories: Local Community Service, Vocational Service, International Service, and Youth Service. The goal is to showcase the dedication and effectiveness of Rotary clubs in addressing important needs and making a positive difference in their communities and beyond.

đŸ”— Click here for the Submission Form - https://forms.gle/VrJz2vZehDkEhUki9


Governors Citation

DEADLINE: April 14, 2025

The purpose of District 6910 Governors Citation is to provide a path towards a well-managed club and create a focus on Rotary International’s Seven Areas of Focus.  The Governors Citation can help develop a strategic plan for your club to use throughout the year.

Clubs will have the opportunity for District 6910 recognition for achievement based on the number of activities completed. Clubs are responsible for reporting all information. Data will be collected by the Awards Committee through rotary.org and DACdb.

District 6910 Governors Citation submission form will be active on the district website as of July 1, 2024.  This form must be submitted no later than 11:59 pm on Monday, April 14, 2025.

đŸ”— View the Governor's Citation in the District Awards Module on DACdb. You must have security Level 3 or higher to submit the club's activities. 

To achieve District 6910 Governors Citation

  • The club must complete all mandatory items.
  • Elective Activity requirements per category include:
    • Small:  Three (3) electives per Grouping
    • Medium:  Four (4) electives per Grouping
    • Large:  Five (5) electives per Grouping
    • X-Large:  Six (6) electives per Grouping
  • Please record all of your achievements!

All reported activities must have taken place between April 16, 2024, and April 15, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Awards Chair Joey Tripp or Awards Co-Chair Joni Ingram.



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If you need DACdb Support from your District Tech Team, you can email [email protected] and a Support Ticket will be automatically opened for you. Be sure to include as much detail as possible (your name and contact info, your club name, details about the issue).
Or, you can call 888-ROTARY-4
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